Hi There I’m Joyna!

Whether you are here because you feel stuck in your career, overwhelmed & anxious about life, or feeling an overall lack of direction & purpose…

I’m here to support you.  

Hi There, I'm Joyna!

Whether you are here because you feel stuck in your career, overwhelmed & anxious about life, or feeling an overall lack of direction & purpose…

You’re in the right place and I’m here to support you.

Meet Joyna

Career Coaching

Tired of feeling stuck? Let me help.

“I feel unhappy in my job, but don’t know what to do next.”

“I want to start my own business, but when I think about it, I get overwhelmed and scared.”

“My career no longer holds meaning for me.”

“I don’t know what I really want in a career.”

Do any of these sound like you?

If so, then let’s start sorting through the thoughts & feelings to start getting clear on what it is you really want in a career.

Personal Coaching

How much longer do you want your inner critic to run your life?

How many of these do you feel on a daily basis?

  • Anxiety & Overwhelm
  • Feeling Empty inside
  • Indecision & Feeling stuck
  • Constantly comparing to others
  • Being stressed out is the norm
  • Feeling a lack of contentment in life

The list goes on and on – but it doesn’t have to. The first step is awareness around which part of you is in the driver’s seat, and then learning the tools to kick your inner critic to the curb. Are you ready for some powerful changes?

Meet Joyna

Find out what led me to this point.

Everyone has a unique story. An incredible story. And part of our journey together is sharing in the stories that make us who we are. The rest of the adventure leads us to creating an experience together that give you the results and life you WANT to live. We start by fully empowering you to become the writer of your own story. Let’s see how our stories relate.


Coaching IS helpful…when you are ready.

Knowing that you are ready for a change in your life and that YOU are responsible for taking actions is the start to your coaching journey. No matter how quiet the “yes” you hear inside of you, this is the first step to clearing the page and changing your story. Let’s see how coaching is right for you.

I found Joyna after the hardest year of my life. With her help I was able to make sense of what had even happened, and how to move forward. She is an incredibly intuitive person and her style of coaching allows her to quickly (and I mean after a short, endearing moment of Joyna introspection) adapt to the client’s hang-ups. For instance, I had gone through a brutal divorce and she took me through a number of spatial activities that put me in my own shoes, then those of an outside point of view (POV), and then my ex’s POV, and I was able to understand that all the thoughts in my head were trapping me, and turning me myopic (among other, private realizations!). She devotes her heart to her work and is always on the clock. She truly goes above and beyond. Getting coached by Joyna has been one of best investments I have made. All it took was the realization that I was tired of feeling unhappy, and wanting to make a change. It’s possible.

I highly recommend this brilliant person to anyone who is in a rut, wants to feel better, get motivated, or all of the above.

To the inevitable review of this review by Miss Joyna Heinz herself, thanks again, for being so open and helpful. I’ll keep hovering on my blue disc through the forest! (It’s an inside joke.).

-Charlie E.

I have been working with Joyna for six months now, and it has been transformational. I started from a place of confusion, grief and hopelessness, and Joyna has helped me develop a sense of emotional stability and energy to work on my own wellness. Joyna is clearly passionate about what she does. She brings creative exercises and thought provoking questions in each session. Joyna is incredibly uplifting and her NLP techniques leaves a lasting change, helping me shift unhelpful beliefs. Outside of our sessions, she shares with me a large array of resources that are relevant to my challenges. I’m excited to continue working with Joyna in the coming months and continue developing more clarity, positivity and emotional strength.

– J.D.

Before I started working with Joyna , I had a concern whether I would feel a good interpersonal connection via internet. However, Joyna’s friendly, warm and patient approach made me feel safe despite the physical distance. In the past I talked to a psychologist, which made me feel better, but sessions with Joyna go more into depth and things progress faster. Already after the first session I felt a huge relief from on old trauma from childhood, which I didn’t realize was contributing to my migraines. What I appreciate the most is a combination of her expertise in NLP and her flexible and loving approach. I am truly grateful I can openly share my feelings and feel understood and supported.

-Michaela W.

Joyna has been an absolute joy to work with. Joyna has a unique set of skills that really work well with my own. Collaborating with Joyna over the last few weeks has been the most productive time of my professional career. I highly recommend Joyna for anyone looking to start their own business or anyone looking to boost their productivity and feel empowered to do so.

– Max K.

In my first life coaching session with Joyna, I felt immediately at ease. Here presence is so calm and nurturing. I came to her looking for some peace to heal the grief that was still looming after losing my father. Joyna walked me through an empowering exercise to help me move through my grief in a totally new way. It didn’t disappear, but Joyna gave me a tool to take away with me and use whenever I need to. I think this is really Joyna’s gift; to teach her clients how to heal themselves. I will definitely work with her again!

– Lauren G.

Joyna was fantastic. I was skeptical about a life coaching session at first – I didn’t feel like it was for me and was unsure whether it would yield any tangible outcomes. Joyna helped me lay out my professional goals, and helped me first identify what I THOUGHT I wanted/needed, and eventually helped me get to a point where we boiled down what I ACTUALLY wanted out of my career. I had tried everything including therapy – sometimes it takes stepping outside of yourself to figure out what you really need! The one session I did still resonates with me today, and now I’m in a new job partially as a result of the work we did together. I highly recommend Joyna, especially to the life coach skeptics like me!

– Ashley S.

I will forever be thankful for the positive impact Joyna had on her coaching me prior to a major surgery. I had suffered from chronic back pain for years and the prospect of surgery was both exciting and terribly frightening. It only took about 90 min of talking and addressing fears and possible outcomes. 90 min that left me not only with a wonderful sense of feeling heard and understood, but with tangible steps I could and did take days and hours prior to the surgery that I’m certain had a huge impact not only on my mental, but my physical well being prior, during and after surgery.

– Hanni G.

Joyna has been an integral part of our community for many months. She has worked with many of our members, including myself. I am always amazed how she can make others feel so incredibly supported while being deeply honest and guiding others to “do the work”. There is an emotional “safety” that she provides while enabling you to DO THE WORK. I have invited her to collaborate in a Mastermind group that we offer at our space for the members. There is no doubt that the value brought to the table by Joyna is what makes our group soar! I would recommend Joyna to work with anybody who is searching for the type of support that she can provide. A rock star in my book – no doubt!

– Danielle S.

Working with Joyna was truly transformational! She helped me clarify my values, set clear goals, and ultimately land a job that aligns perfectly with what I was looking for.  With her guidance and support, I was able to manifest my dream job. I even negotiated for more money (something I had always wanted to do!), and I’m surrounded by an incredible team in a supportive environment, with a boss I absolutely love. I finally feel valued and supported in my work…I’m honestly pinching myself- it’s everything I hoped for, and I LOVE it!

-Jocelyn L.