Weekly Insights

Check out past newsletters for inspiration and powerful tips.

On Being a Tea Monk

QUOTE OF THE DAY “You keep asking why your work is not enough, and I don’t know how to answer that, because it is enough to exist in the world and marvel at it. You don’t need to justify that, or earn it. You are allowed to just live.”― Becky Chambers, A Psalm for the...

On Being Indecisive

QUOTE OF THE DAY “The brave may not live forever – But the cautious do not live at all”-Richard Branson IDEA OF THE DAY  Let's launch right into today's topic- being indecisive. It's one of the top reasons people call me to get help with coaching. Being stuck. Not...

On Bumps in the Road

QUOTE OF THE DAY "Let your focus be on the journey, not just the destination; each small step is a milestone in itself."– Author Unknown IDEA OF THE DAY  We are in the final stretch of January, and I'm curious how it's panned out for you so far. What lessons and...

On a Slice of Pie- YUM!

QUOTE OF THE DAY "Sometimes detours lead to the most beautiful destinations. Embrace the unexpected, and your goals will too." – Author Unknown IDEA OF THE DAY  It's National Pie Day today, no matter how you slice it! (ooh Joyna, starting with the puns so early today,...

On the Upside of Being Sick

QUOTE OF THE DAY "Embrace the pause in sickness; it's your body's way of demanding self-care and recharge."– Author Unknown IDEA OF THE DAY  Being in the start of a New Year, I tend to get really excited with planning for the year ahead; how I want to grow my...

On a 3-Word Resolution

QUOTE OF THE DAY "The My Three Words idea is simple. Choose 3 words (not 1, not 4) that will help guide your choices and actions day to day. Think of them as lighthouses. "Should I say yes to this project?" "Well, does this align with my three words?""– Chris Brogan,...

Turning a Plot Twist into Something Good

Here's a photo of the magical experience I got to share with my nephew of flying a kite for the first time.  This picture was snapped moments before a HUGE gust of wind came by, offering the kite a free ride to unchartered territory.  We went from bliss to chaos in a...

Celebrating our Season of Harvest

Happy Halloween! A day where we dress up in costume, eat a TON of candy (that we probably wouldn’t eat any other time of year), and celebrate the spookiness of haunted houses and pumpkin patches. With all of this, there is a sense of magic in the air! With 2,000 years...

Taking the Time to Slow Down

Whew! It’s been a few months since there's been a Joyna post- and gosh am I glad to be back!  Why the silence for a few months? Well, I’ll tell you- I took a literal break from all the writing by accidentally breaking a finger (or was it actually an accident?) In...

The Achievements in Failing

Failure. An experience that is felt differently be each and every one of us. And yet, the one thing that is common for everybody is the uncomfortable feeling that we want to avoid because it can leave us feeling unfulfilled. Still, we fail. ALL THE TIME. Why do we...