“Embrace the pause in sickness; it’s your body’s way of demanding self-care and recharge.”
– Author Unknown
Being in the start of a New Year, I tend to get really excited with planning for the year ahead; how I want to grow my business, the exotic vacations I dream of taking, and the ever-growing list of house-improvement projects I want to give a try. Except this year, just a few days in, I got a cold; the kind that likes to linger and hang onto your energy so most of your days are dedicated to sleep.
As a highly productive person that likes to fill her days with projects and goals, well…it’s been a challenging adjustment. Believe me- I tried multiple attempts of being productive (by deep-scrubbing the kitchen) and my boyfriend intervened, reminding me I was still on the mend, and ever so gently shoved me back to bed with another cup of tea.
So even though it’s been hard to slow down and rest, I recognize that the lesson here is to actually slow down and rest, to nurture the body and let it heal in its own time. Perhaps one of the reasons we get sick is to have the reminder that recharge is just as important as taking charge; and when these two parts of us are out of balance, so too does our system become out of balance.
So for today, whether you are healthy or on the mend, gently remind yourself that taking a much-needed pause helps recharge your system, and you can never have too many of them!
In a world that constantly moves, what does it truly mean to ‘take a pause’ in your own life?