“The My Three Words idea is simple. Choose 3 words (not 1, not 4) that will help guide your choices and actions day to day. Think of them as lighthouses. “Should I say yes to this project?” “Well, does this align with my three words?””
– Chris Brogan, Storyteller, Author & International Speaker
Well, we’ve started the New Year, and I must say, rather than a gentle ease I’ve experienced a full leap into adventures, the unknown, and just trying to hold on for the ride. Can you relate?
Last week, many of my clients shared their ideas & thoughts on New Year Resolutions. Some were excited while others felt a bit more daunted at the task at hand. One client, however, was beaming and excitedly brought up the concept of “My Three Words” – which I thought was fabulous!
Rather than having a long list of resolutions that may or may not be achieved, the focus is on having three core words that guide your year, direct how you want to show up each day, and encompass many of the mini-goals you hope to achieve.
There are a few simple guidelines to choosing your three words:
1. Focus on the positive rather than the negative (ex: listen vs block)
2. Have the word mean something to you (it doesn’t matter if it makes sense only to you- that makes it extra special!)
3. Keep it simple (the simpler the word, the easier to achieve. ex: Action vs. Metamorphosis…it’s a cool word but kinda abstract)
4. and most importantly…have it be visible throughout the year. Having your three words in your line of sight, be it on the bathroom mirror or as a screensaver on your phone, creates a daily reminder of what is guiding you throughout the year. Visibility gives you the chance to bring your three words to life each and every day.
Oh? My three words, you ask? Well, here they are.
1. Trust
2. Intuitive
3. Play
So, open to giving it a try? Let’s see what you come up with.
What are your three words to help guide your year ahead?