“They say the universe is expanding. That should help with traffic.”
― Steven Wright
What a silly quote, eh? It definitely made me laugh as I read it! In its simplicity, I think it gives a beautiful reminder that despite whatever is going on in your life, we are just one speck of a planet in a vast universe of stars, planets, black holes, and continual expansion. I read in today’s news that astronomers have discovered the most luminous object in our universe, a galaxy core that is 500 trillion times brighter than our sun. My mind can barely orbit that (oh yeah, first pun of the day!)
So Joyna, how is this supposed to offer me some insight for today?
Well Joyna, the next time you are stuck in traffic, ruminating on a problem you haven’t figured out yet, or just caught in a stress cycle…you can remind yourself that just for now, you can let go of needing to fix or change anything in this moment. The stars are twinkling, the planets spinning, the universe doing its expansion thing. What we actually control in this life is very little. It’s worth easing up on the need to have everything figured out, even just slightly, to remind yourself that in this present moment, the stars are shining bright with no fear of what has happened or what is to come. Just take a deep breath, look up at the sky to connect with the vast universe, and let yourself know that just for now, in this one moment, you’re ok.
Imagine that your mind is a telescope, and you can adjust its focus to gaze beyond the details of your life and instead zoom out to see the bigger picture. Choose a situation in your life to apply this metaphor to. What do you notice as you zoom out?