“When you think from your past memories, you can only create past experiences.”
“If we want to change some aspect of our reality, we have to think, feel, and act in new ways; we have to ‘be’ different in terms of our responses to experiences. We have to ‘become’ someone else. We have to create a new state of mind … we need to observe a new outcome with that new mind.”
Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
Last week, we talked about keeping your body hydrated with water. This week, let’s take a moment to focus on mental hydration.
Ever on the path to self-development, I love to share inspiring tidbits from what I’m reading. Currently on my nightstand is ‘Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself’ by Joe Dispenza, a book that takes a scientific approach to how habits form in our minds…and stick.
What I’m finding interesting is that the author emphasizes that most of the routines and thoughts we have on a daily basis run on autopilot, and are based on past experiences. From the moment we wake up with our first thought, to how (un)aware we are when drinking our morning cup of coffee to how we wind down at night…almost all of it we do without giving it much thought.
For small habits that support us, I supposed this isn’t all bad. However, when it comes to thoughts that spark emotions like fear, anxiety, anger or depression…it can be hard to move through these moments, and we often get stuck.
So how do we get unstuck?
Let’s start by visualizing a new outcome. For example, let’s say you get the ‘Sunday Scaries’ and work has been challenging in a way that you dread going in on Mondays. Up until now, your feelings and thoughts have been based on past experiences. Moving forward, you have the opportunity to build a new image in your mind of what you WANT to have happen instead. You visualize a future that hasn’t happened (yet). What would need to happen to have you feel excited about work, rather than dreading it? What feelings do you want to incorporate in to your vision? Start with your mindset, something you always have control over, and give yourself time to apply this way of thinking and feeling…and let’s see what happens.
I believe in you and me- let’s do this!
Visualize having a wonderful week- a week that surprisingly turns out much better than expected. What do you picture and how do you feel?