“Let your focus be on the journey, not just the destination; each small step is a milestone in itself.”
– Author Unknown


We are in the final stretch of January, and I’m curious how it’s panned out for you so far. What lessons and discoveries have you made along the way?

In reflection of my own, I learned a lesson in patience- by resting and taking pause while recovering from a lingering cold. During most of January, if I tried to do anything active (like take a walk)- I’d feel so fatigued that I’d need a three hour nap! (Which is not usually part of my productive normal daily routine). 

What a frustration this caused me! Here I was, all geared up to start my year strong, yet my health was telling me to rest and take a break. So, I slowed WAYYYYYYYYY down, and during this time, took up a new hobby.

Needle Felting.

I mean, what’s not to love of taking tufts of wool and stabbing it repeatedly with a needle? (It’s quite therapeutic, I must say!) 

With the silliness aside, I was always intrigued by how people could take wool and shape it into such beautiful creations. So I thought there’s no better time to give it a try then when you’re stuck at home resting!  Looking through my recently purchased felting guidebook, I was so excited with the masterpieces I was about to create. How hard could it be, right?

Well, things started off kinda bumpy. The felt didn’t quite morph into the shapes I was attempting to create. I poked myself a few times along the way (and those little needles sure can HURT!). And my first creation looked nothing like the pictures in the book (sigh).

After my first few attempts, I laughed and put it aside, recognizing that this new hobby is yet another wonderful example of strengthening our goals and resolutions. ANY new resolution or habit that you take on will have moments of being bumpy, and may sting as you rush too fast in trying to speed things up. By taking a slower pace and learning to explore the process, rather than the outcome, the bumps will smooth out over time. Consistently putting a small amount of time towards your new habit will help build confidence and experience, and eventually, the final outcome will no longer be the ultimate reward, it’ll be the stories you can share along the way!

And I must say, two weeks into my newfound hobby, I’m enjoying the creative exploration of figuring things out as I go, one poke at a time!


What aspects of your life would benefit from a shift in outcome to a shift in process?

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