“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”
– Michael Altshuler
Yesterday, I read an intriguing article about how people in the Middle Ages had more leisure time than we do today. Not only did more holidays exist, but there were market days, feast days, saint days, local days…Leisure wasn’t just a luxury; it was woven into the fabric of everyday existence. (If this piqued your interest, you can enjoy the full article here.)
Even though we are far from the era of the Middle Ages (which is a good thing!), the concept of prioritizing leisure stuck with me. We live in a time where technology connects us quicker than ever; yet seems to shrink what time we have available within our day. And when it comes to relaxing, we have endless choices at our fingertips yet struggle to find what truly rejuvenates us. Instead, we end up overwhelmed.
Oof- what a pickle! (and don’t get me wrong, I love pickles! I just prefer dill.)
So, if this sounds like you, what will help create a more balanced approach to your day? I’ll give you a hint- it comes down to prioritizing.
Whatever you give priority to, that is where your focus and time will go. Consider this: you’re pouring countless hours into work, yet you yearn to dedicate more time to self-care. But there’s a mental barrier, isn’t there? Something seems to keep self-care at arm’s length. Pause for a moment and reflect on WHY so much time is dedicated to work. Is it about financial stability, finding purpose, escaping challenges, or perhaps pure passion?
No matter what the reason, explore the “why” of it, and then question what would need to change to make self-care an equal or higher priority. Ask yourself what would make self-care IRRESISTIBLE?! Sit with what answers come to the surface. Once you can shift your priorities, how you manage your time will shift as well. And perhaps, you may find yourself having more leisurely moments throughout your day (wink wink!).
What would make _______________________
(enter goal here)