“In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.”
-Mortimer J. Adler
This past weekend, I enjoyed one of my guilty pleasures of staying in bed and reading. Whether it’s getting lost in a fantasy world or expanding my mindset around a new mindfulness tool, I love nothing more than to get comfy with a few good books surrounding me. It is simply divine.
As I was thinking of what to write for this week’s topic, the idea of sharing books that have made an impact on me and my clients came to mind. Some you may know, while others might be brand new to you. So without further ado, let’s dive into some all-time favorites!
When looking for how to create habits that will STICK, consider an oldie but goodie, Atomic Habits. One of the easiest books to blaze through, each chapter is no more than 2-3 pages, and offers bite-size nuggets of wisdom on how to make tiny changes that lead to big results.
Perhaps you’re feeling good with your habits, but disillusioned with work? Explore Designing Your Life for a deeper understanding of what meaningful and fulfilling work would look like for you. If you’re happy in your career, but feel a sense of burnout and disengagement, Designing Your Work Life brings insight into how to redesign your role (rather than resigning to your fate!).
Looking for a fun way to learn about building your finances? I did not grow up with much financial literacy and felt ashamed for barely knowing the basics. One day while browsing through Target, I saw I Will Teach You to Be Rich and thought it looked like an interesting read. Fast forward to today…no other book of mine has more sticky notes hanging off its pages. Not only is this a witty and fun read, it is PACKED with insight.
Maybe finances, career, and habits are all well and good…but your soul could use some rejuvenation? Start with A New Earth from Eckhart Tolle. Years ago, this book was the catalyst to my own journey of self-development, and I’m still applying wisdom from the book to this day.
I’ll stop for now…though I’ll admit it’s hard when I have so many others that come to mind! Which of these have you already read? And if any are new, which one will you pick up first? Lastly, any personal favorites you’d like to share with me?
Happy reading!
What are some of your favorite self-development books?